I’ve always loved video games, and now I’m starring in my own!
Jon Jones
Jones brings his fighting skills to video games for the first time!
Considered by his peers as the greatest fighter of all time, Jon Jones portrays a champion martial artist that accepts his destiny as the one Force that can rid the world’s most dangerous streets of bullies, gangsters and thugs.
Setting out at night, he takes on all comers as he uses his fists, elbows and ferocious kicks to fight his way to the ultimate battle against the kingpin of each territory. He’s not looking for thanks. He’s getting the job done!

In an homage to the great side-scrollers of video game history, Jon Jones is starring in the Brawler that will take the genre to new heights.

Multi-directional fighting allows Jones to take on up to eight street thugs simultaneously, using all of his signature moves as captured in a MoCap session at his fighting lair. Forward, backward, around corners, moving up steps and jumping down into a new level, Jones moves from city to city as a one-man avenger making the streets safe for everyone.
Using the industry standard Unreal 5 engine, RAINI Studios is setting the new standard for fighting games.

Jones has teamed up with the designer of DEF JAM VENDETTA, READY 2 RUMBLE and winner of two Fighting Game of the Year awards, and the Motion Director of such classics as UNCHARTED, GOD OF WAR, and many other video game classics to set a new mark in fighting mechanics, mayhem and just pure fun.